“Cos we don't, don't give a fuck and
We won't ever give a fuck un-
-til you give a fuck about me
And my generation “
We won't ever give a fuck un-
-til you give a fuck about me
And my generation “
This was our anthem when I was 13. It was a generation of kids brought up on the attitude of 'Fuck everyone else and I am right” through the plague known as Nu-Metal. I heard this song today and it made me think back. I used to think I was so rebellious at home by myself, my Limb Bizket/Papa Roach/Korn singles downloaded off Napster blasting through the house at full volume with me singing every word and giving the finger to those imaginary people in my lounge room. Truth is, as soon as my mum came home, I turned off the music, did my homework and then went to play pokemon.
I used to think it was so rebellious, as most people do at that age when becoming a teen. Is it mass media that does this? No. Its just that we get to an age when we have to feel like we run the place when in reality we don't. I listened to eminem as well, while I played with lego. It was a way to feel like we have power and could do what we want. We were getting older, hormones flowing, actually do damage if in a fight, nobody was gonna mess with me.
When I heard 'Break Stuff' come on randomly on my Winamp today. I thought back and in reality, back then we are not that much different to the Emo kids of a few years ago or the Hardcore kids of today. Soon enough they will grow out of it and become a useful member of society listening to songs occasionally for nostalgia purposes. They are, I was, no different to the generations before me. All have done it and it will continue. Try to be hard, showing they are awesome but in reality they are blimp in the continuous time line of fads.
Although, after what I have said today, that is not to say that it was completely pushed out of my mind. The standard viewpoint of Gen-Y in the workplace and the public is general viewed as an attitude of “Its my way or the highway”. In a way that is true, I have been guilty of expressing this opinion on more than a few occasions and there is a lot of my people my age that do. The ideals don't completely leave us, they shape our future attitude a little, that is why from generation to generation the world attitude changes. The world will continue to change and there is nothing to stop it, I say just let kids be kids and then in 30 years take hold and go for the ride.
Remember, I did it all, for the nookie.
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