
"The time has come"

Apparently the walrus said it. I am not so sure.

It has been quite a while since I blogged. Much to mention.

Where too start... where too start...

New Job! - I left my old one. Was given the option to either quit on the spot or be fired. I took the quitting option. There was a few hard weeks after that but I have soon found myself at a company known as 'People Telecom'. So much better. Less stressful. Yes, I stil ldeal with a constant supply of morons but they actually have a right to whinge most of the time and I would be doing the excat same thing if it was me in their position.

Another bonus about this job over the other one is that this one is not through a recruitment agency. I am permanant. Sick leave, Holiday pay, Salary. The whole thing. Only downside is that I am getting paid monthly but it is alot more than what I was getting at Magshop.

Latest Outings! - Frenzal Rhomb. Yet again I saw them and yet again they put on a fantastic show. Security stage diving, lots of moshing, lots of sings and random punky type stuffs. Afterwards was followed by Ted's little sisters b'day at Oxford St. This recuslted in me getting way to drunk and dancing a bit but was a good night had by all.

Daft Punk in less than a month. I am fucking excited.

General Life! - New change in parliment for Australia. About fucking time. Its about time people in this country woke up to themselves and reliased what should happen.

Miss Trash and I are better than ever. Seems like it has been going for ages but it is not quite 3 months yet. I am loving it.


That is all.

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