

Lost is the best way to describe how I'm feeling at the moment. Yes, I have been at my current job for almost a year now. I hate it. I want a change. No, I NEED a change. I have been working in the same industry since the end of 2005. Thats almost 3 years of basically being a phone monkey. I am getting really sick of it really fast.

In the past I had dreams that I would grow up, be doing something I love and be happy with my work situation. In this dream I went to university, studied hard and got descent results. I went on to work in a field that I liked. As I went through school from the age of 8 that changed between Bio-chemistry, being a chef, Psychology, Sound Engineer and High School Teacher.

I like where my life is at in relation to everything bar my job. I would go back and study but I don't know if I could sacrifice other parts of my life let alone be willing to. Apart from all that, I look through the job searching websites, all the better jobs require qualifications that I just simply don't have. Not only that, I don't know what area I would like to work in. The same goes for when I look through the courses at the university and TAFE websites.

We all have to earn money someway. I am believe that staying in a job that I hate is not good for my mental health but I don't know what else I would rather be doing. I am officially lost.

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