

Lost is the best way to describe how I'm feeling at the moment. Yes, I have been at my current job for almost a year now. I hate it. I want a change. No, I NEED a change. I have been working in the same industry since the end of 2005. Thats almost 3 years of basically being a phone monkey. I am getting really sick of it really fast.

In the past I had dreams that I would grow up, be doing something I love and be happy with my work situation. In this dream I went to university, studied hard and got descent results. I went on to work in a field that I liked. As I went through school from the age of 8 that changed between Bio-chemistry, being a chef, Psychology, Sound Engineer and High School Teacher.

I like where my life is at in relation to everything bar my job. I would go back and study but I don't know if I could sacrifice other parts of my life let alone be willing to. Apart from all that, I look through the job searching websites, all the better jobs require qualifications that I just simply don't have. Not only that, I don't know what area I would like to work in. The same goes for when I look through the courses at the university and TAFE websites.

We all have to earn money someway. I am believe that staying in a job that I hate is not good for my mental health but I don't know what else I would rather be doing. I am officially lost.

Fragile! Handle Carefully.

Relationships are very fragile things I have noticed. Ever since being in one more. However, this applies to all relationships, not just romantic relationships. Friendships, Work relationships, even the guy behind the counter at the coffee shop that you go to everyday. However, for this discussion I am going to be basing most of my examples on a romantic relationship.

Everything can be all going fine and dandy. All it takes it one thing to be said or done and fraction of a second later the whole balance in the relationship has been shifted. Sometimes this can be for the better, the better being either the couple break up or the bond between the 2 becomes stronger. It may be whats best for both people.

However, more times than not I have noticed that things don't work out link most people want it to and things fall apart (Not saying its not for the best). Occasionally certain things can not be taken back, other times things can be forgiven. Its all just very fragile and it based on each person responses.

I would say that most of the time, relationships are always on the edge of a cliff looking down, it is very very hard to bring it away from the edge to saftey, even then it is not a guarentee of saftey as it very easy to give it a push as force it over the edge.

It has been 11 months with Miss Trash now. It is solid. I think we are sitting away from the edge, not looking over it at all. As solid as we are, I still hate when mutual friends do stupid shit and make you start being all paranoid in the back of your mind. Its those sorts of things that mess things up and you just have to ignore them.

This is Thomas, signing out.

Songs Listened To While Blogging
- Bonde Do Role - Gasolina (Radioclit Remix)
- Gameboy/Gamegirl - Sweaty Wet Dirty Damp (G.L.O.V.E.S. Remix)
- Kurtis Blow - The Breaks
- Futurecop! - Starworshipper
- Lily Allen - Guess Who Batman
- Rick Ross - Hustlin'
- Thunderheist - Jerk It (Nacho Lovers 'Jerk Your Body' Remix)