
KFC's Policy

Last night while driving Miss Trash home we decide to grab some KFC for dinner. I knew the KFC, we had been there before. Now whenever I go to a KFC for some of that great chicken I usually get the same thing cause it is awesome. I get the ultimate/extreme burger meal with the burger as a Zinger with no mayonaise and replace the peice of chicken replaced by a chicken strip. Its not that much to ask for. I have been getting this same combo with these alterations for the last few years with no problems.

Last night however, I walked up to the counter and asked for the usual and then when I got to the chicken strip part I was slapped in the face with a "I can't do that". I promptly replied with "Sorry, what do you mean you can't do that?" and was told "Its against store policy. We can't change it". So apparently, every KFC I had been to in the last couple of years and ordered my combo with alterations(including that store I was standing in) had been breaking company policy even though all they all were kind enough to do it and add $1 to the price (that store included). What a crock of shit.

In the end I just had a Zinger burger combo upsized. Then while eating it, I had the privledge of listening to a 18 year old (According to what she told the security guard) who looked like she was about 15 who was great reprasentative of KFC. She had just finished and was out the front chatting away loudly. I could have dealt quite happily with just eating my zinger combo if only they offered to chop my ears off for free so I didn't have to listen to that little twits mindless ramblings. Although, here is a simple list of things I learnt that I didn't know about before listening to her talk:

- Everyone at schoolies is a slut and they all have diseases
- Education isn't important because she was smart enough (immediatly said after she said a sentence like "Can I borrow a smoke" but managed to use the work fuck 5 times in it
- Fresh chips are disgusting. Better if you leave them for a bit so you get steamed chips
- Re-edits of Justin Timberlake songs are amazing when the lyrics are changed to be talking about the shaving of back hair
- Drugs are horrible. Tabacco is ok because alot of people do it. Other drugs are terrible and thats why not many people do them

I'm sure there was other things but Miss Trash might remember them. She really really made me wish that I wasn't born with the ability to hear or born with the ability to make people explode at my stare. Fuck she was annoying.

Well, until next time, keep eating those steamed chips.


Cure of Social Networking

I know. It is an arguement that has been asked for quite a while (well, since the sites were created). "Social Networking Sites" as people would know have become quite popular. Now, for this arguement sake we are going to ignore the little ones that are insignificant such as Bebo and focus on the 2 big hitters. Myspace and Facebook.

Myspace. I love it. Its good. Easy to comment. Easy to see peoples pictures and comment them. Easy to view 'bullitens'. It is simple to use and has a nice layout. I like the build in flash music play that you have on there for your personal profile and can add songs that bands have on their profile to your profile.

The only downside to myspace is that people become offended too easily. You decide to have 8 top friends on your profile. Picking 8 people can be a hard choice. Who do you give this elusive privledge to and who do you say "Sorry but your too retarted" to.

Luckily. With a little bit of fancy html work on your profile, you can hide your friends list so nobody know and you can also hide your comment so that a sibling can't see comments like "OMG! Last night was great. You did so much cocaine. YEAH! PILLS! WOOOOOOOO" from your fucked up drug friend who you went out with for one night or the "I just want your rock hard cock between in my tight pussy right night like it was ast night" comment that comes from the town bike who honestly believe the world will end if she stops having sex for 5 minutes.

Now, facebook. Face book doesn't have the easy to use music player or the fancy profile layout creation but it does have Apps. Now, I know, how are apps meant to make up for all that Myspace has to offer. I thought for ages that facebook was crappy and just to make up for its crappness with millions of apps. Much like the football stud calls every 2nd person a fag to make up for the fact that he is secretly a fudge packer.

Well, i thought it was crapy until I came across the app knowns as 'Pirates'. This is fantastic. Its like a really basic RPG (Role Playing Game). You are a pirate. You sail around and search land for booty. Raid towns for booty. USe the booty for upgrades so you can attack other people playing pirates. The people at work got me onto it (Psssht. Sif facebook decreases workplace producivity by 10%) and they all play it as well.

Other apps include one called 'Booze Mail' which bascially means you shout people virtual drinks. Alot of use that is. Next time someone goes to give you one, be abusive back, when they look offended just say you are cyber drunk from all the free drinks they have been giving you before you cyber vomit on their shoes.

In the end though, after much deliberation, as fucking awesome as the pirates app on facebook is, it still doesn't match the quality of myspace. I will keep playing pirates though. Its awseome.

In the end, this blog is just for me to say...

Myspace >>>>> Facebook.


My Myspace
My Facebook


My first post from work. There is no calls in queue and I am thinking that the IT departments filter thingy is down because I can actually get on here to blog.

This morning on the train I was thinking about how much things have changed in the last 5 years. 5 years ago I would be home at the time. After school I would come home and play computer games. The weekend would generally be the same. I wouldn't go anywhere, I wasn't invited anywhere. I became happy just sitting around at home, listening to my music and shooting head crabs.

2 years ago, I was going out every now and again. Only on the occasional Thursday or Friday night. The rest of the time was spent at home. Listening to music. Building soviet armies.

Nowdays, things are very different. It seems I am somewhat of a social butterfly compared to how I used to be. Every weekend seems to be booked out 2 or 3 weeks ahead. Always with different friends. For the rest of this month I have 3 21sts, Housewarming party, Xmas party and Daft Punk. I like it. Always going somewhere or doing something fits my personality for some reason. I wouldn't change it for the world....

(Except I wish I could have build a soviet army full of head crabs... That would have been awesome)



Its a little weird to be honest. I don't know what to thing. You know when you have those relisation that just smack you in the face so suddenly that you almost get up to fight back but can't. It wasn't so much that I didn't know it, its just that someone else didn't know it and I just tried to ignore it. It happened to me. I thought someones opinion would change but it hasn't. I am glad that it hasn't. I think that if things did change then I wouldn't handle it real well at all.

Its just that apart from a few people who I hold really really close. I really don't care what happens to anyone else. I could run over a random person and they are just that, a random person. I have no connection to them. I didn't know them before. I didn't care before. I wouldn't care now.

It is just... odd.

V Festival line up for 2008 was announced this morning. Looks like a fantastic line-up. Last years festival was a fantastic day full of artists such as Soulwax, Pet Shop Boys, New Young Pony Club, The Rapture, Beck, Gnarls Barkley, Groove Armada, Bang Gang Djs + more. Best sound I have ever heard for an outdoor festival and a excellent venue. They have come back this year with just an impressive line-up.

The Smashing Pumpkins
Duran Duran
Queens Of The Stone Age
Mika (east coast only)
The Jesus & Mary Chain
The Presets
Air (east coast only)
The Tough Alliance
Plug In City
+ more still to be announced!

While this is absolutly fantastic news. I can't wait to hear the other acts announced. I will be attending. I mean really, how could I not, its Duran Duran. Below I have put a couple of Mp3s of a few of the bands playing. Enjoy.

CSS - Art Bitch
Air - Cherry Blossom Girl
Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister


"The time has come"

Apparently the walrus said it. I am not so sure.

It has been quite a while since I blogged. Much to mention.

Where too start... where too start...

New Job! - I left my old one. Was given the option to either quit on the spot or be fired. I took the quitting option. There was a few hard weeks after that but I have soon found myself at a company known as 'People Telecom'. So much better. Less stressful. Yes, I stil ldeal with a constant supply of morons but they actually have a right to whinge most of the time and I would be doing the excat same thing if it was me in their position.

Another bonus about this job over the other one is that this one is not through a recruitment agency. I am permanant. Sick leave, Holiday pay, Salary. The whole thing. Only downside is that I am getting paid monthly but it is alot more than what I was getting at Magshop.

Latest Outings! - Frenzal Rhomb. Yet again I saw them and yet again they put on a fantastic show. Security stage diving, lots of moshing, lots of sings and random punky type stuffs. Afterwards was followed by Ted's little sisters b'day at Oxford St. This recuslted in me getting way to drunk and dancing a bit but was a good night had by all.

Daft Punk in less than a month. I am fucking excited.

General Life! - New change in parliment for Australia. About fucking time. Its about time people in this country woke up to themselves and reliased what should happen.

Miss Trash and I are better than ever. Seems like it has been going for ages but it is not quite 3 months yet. I am loving it.


That is all.


Parklife 2007
30th September, 2007. Kippax Lake, Moore Park

Parklife. One of the many dance music festival to hit Australian shores this year featuring yet another line-up of quality acts. Well, that was the expectation anyway. Saturday night, had a quiet one in because after the result of me going out the night before the 'We Love Sounds' festival back in june, I learnt my lesson. So, it was up at a descent hour with a good amount of sleep the night before. Got ready and were ready to go. Its just that myself and Miss Trash had to wait for Sam to get to my house so we could leave.

Sam finally arrives. After Jagerbombs, we leave and meet Rachael at the station before heading in. We arrived at Parklife (after consuming a lot of alcohol on the way), met up with Karen so she could get her ticket off Sam, went through the gates and headed straight to the fire stage to see
Gus Da Hoodrat and Jamie Doom do their thing. As usual, they were great. They got the crowd moving and in true Gussy style he was drinking his vodka straight from the bottle throughout the entire set.

Not long after, Sam and myself ventured off to gather some beverages as we were parched. While standing in line, Rachael and Miss Trash turned up as they had left the crushing crowd in front of the fire stage. Soon enough, we were sitting on an empty patch of grass to sip our drinks and enjoy the sounds of Muscles. Now, I think Sam summed up his performance the best "His songs are good on their own but play them all together and it all sounds excatly the sound".

Next up, a bit of Ajax. The other member of Bang Gang at Parklife doing his thing. It was good, he played the usually. Mixed well. Everyone went nuts for 'One More Time' by Daft Punk and he even dropped in the Futurama theme. At this stage we were a little drunk and dancing crazily (As you can see below)

After Ajax was Goose. They are a band from Belgium and were very Soulwax like. Highlight of the day. Very tight performance and a heap of energy. Very enjoyable.

Next up was MSTRKRFT but right before they came on we were dancing up the back. Now, I had enough of fucking idiots at 'We Love Sounds'. People just barging through while trying to dance without an excuse me or any sort of indication you are there. During Ajax we had 2 drinks spilt because of idiots like this treading on them while barging through. It started happening again and I wasn't gonna take it so after 3 people had barged through, a 4th tried to follow and I gave him quite a large shove in the back. He turned around and glared at me. Miss Trash wouldn't let me fight him.

Anyway, MSTRKRFT came on. One of the acts I had been most looking forward to. They turned out to be absolutely shithouse. Sure, they were doing a DJ set but when your own stuff is fantastic you don't play only 30sec of 2 of your own songs in the space of 30mins. Miss Trash and I ended up going to get food whilst Sam and Rachel went and caught the end of Yelle. Wish I went and saw all of Yelle to be honest.

After food it was time for Digitalism. We got not a bad spot, a bit off to the side of the main crowd. Yet another group that I had been looking forward to and yet another group that was a disappointment. Their sound was horrible (may have been the fault of the sound guy at the sound desk) but they were boring live. I could have gone home and put on the cd and it would have been excatly the same. Just will less energy. By this stage, Sam had left to go and get a good spot for Lyrics Born so Rachel, Miss Trash and I headed over in that general direction and found that the area was 1/2 empty so we just chilled on the grass 1/2 listening to Lyrics Born and 1/2 listening to Adam Freeland. Both of whom were quite good.

Soon enough, Sam was done and met up with us and we headed over to Justice. They were the main reason I went to Parklife. I havn't stopped raving about them to everyone since Big Day Out this year when I saw them. They were good. Sound quality was good. Crowd was ok. I went nuts a couple of times and I think I scared a few people around with my dancing. Not as good as their Big Day Out performance but still quality. Best was 'We are your friends' mashed up with Rammstein then mixed into 'Waters of nazareth'.

We finished the day with a walk back to central before getting the train home making jokes making inapporiate jokes all the way. When we got back to Campbelltown we reliased that because it was a public holiday there was close to no taxis around. Very very annoying. Luckily for us however, my dad was still awake and came down to pick us up.

The day overall... 6.5/10

1/12th of a year

So, its been one month since Miss Trash and I have been together. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking "Psssht. Thats not much. Get over yourself" but it is actually. Anyone, that has spent as much time with me as she has this last month and not be wanting to kill me is a big thing. Yes, we have have our arguments, all just working out the kinks.

Its good though. Really good. I think the whole her being my best friend for the 1 year and 9 months or so before we became a couple eliminated the whole 'Getting to know you' part of a new relationship where you find out all their bad habits, intrests, music types, their past, meeting their friends, meeting their family. Its all done already.

Also, one of my sisters really likes her. The other one is ok with her now but still sticks to being the anti-social gangster that she is, sitting in her room listening to 50 cent. My dad, as far as I can tell, likes her. Also, Ted likes her too, "so much better than any of the others" as it was said.

So, its been a month today. There will be many more months to come.


Drunken Blogging ftmfw!

I love drunken love and bloging. Its tue. Nothing is really bettter. Except sober love.

I was playing singstar with ted, miss trash and ali. Ali being my sister and me sneaking her drinking all night. I drank way too much. There was only about 3cm left in the bottle of scotch by the end of the night.

I am really lucky to have miss trash as mine. I really do love her. I can't help it. All this time we have known each other... So many moments... *sigh*. Its ok now, I am genuinly happy. There is nothing more to it. Happiest I have been in a long long while. I am glad I get to see her almost every day. If I am worried, all I have to do is look into her eyes and I know that everything will be alright as long as she is going to be there with me.

Monday is the big day. Should be an intresting result. I don't want it to ever come, I had the thought of it, stresses me out a little.

Its 2:30 in the morning, I am way too drunk to be blogging at this time.


Nine Inch Nails: 16th Septermber 2007

Nine Inch Nails
16th September, 2007

It was the most amazing gig I have ever been too. Better than their previous efforts. Better than any other band. The stage setup was amazing, the lighting, the sound, the energy put into it by the band. It was the last show of the world tour. They went out with a bang. I got a sticker for my car.


The Beginning Of The End
Terrible Lie
March Of The Pigs
The Frail / The Wretched
Closer (The Only Time)
Gave Up
(Screen comes down)
Me I'm Not
The Great Destroyer
(Screen goes up)
The Good Soldier
No, You Don't!
The Day The World Went Away
The Hand That Feeds
Starfuckers Inc.
Head Like A Hole

They haven't played 'Starfuckers Inc'. anywhere in the world since the 2005 tour when some idiots were clapping out of time at the Sydney concert and Trent chucked a hissy fit (I was there for that too). They rarely play 'Piggy' also. 'The Great Destroyer' was absolutly mind blowing and I went fucking nuts to it when it was played. I honestly don't think any other concert will beat the one last night. I stood there for the 1st 1/2 an hour with my mouth open in a stunned look.

Now I leave you with some videos that I found on youtube from last night. No, the sound quality is not the best on some of them but you can veiw the stage setup for some.

Head Like A Hole/Starfuckers Inc.

The Great Destroyer

March Of The Pigs

The Wretched

Me, I'm Not





Hurt (This was from the night before at Luna Park but same thing on sunday)


I'm Britany, Bitch.

Britney Spears Gimme More Mtv vmas 2007 live

Britany... Britany... Britany....

What are we ever going to do with you? Now, most people have heard or read about her performance at the VMAs this year. Now, the song, 'Gimmie More' is not that bad of a song. I can sit there and listen to it. If that is a preview of what the album will be like then it will be pretty alright.

Now, the performance. She looked akward, unsure and possibly drunk. She was clearly miming and I don't know if it was meant to be sexy but there is nothing, absolutly nothing about that dancing that every made 'little thomas' budge.

Oh dear. What happened to the good ol' days of 1998?


Amazing Photos

Dead On The Beach [1943] - George Strock

Haunting photograph of a beach in Papua New Guinea on September 20, 1943, the magazine felt compelled to ask in an adjacent full-page editorial, "Why print this picture, anyway, of three American boys dead upon an alien shore?" Among the reasons: "words are never enough"


On a forum I visit and post regularly (Big Day Out forum) it is not very often that someone makes a thread that everyone on the forum is in forms the same opinion. In this case, a forumer named 'Omerta' put up a thread featuring a whole lot of historic pictures and a small description of each one. There are some amazing photos in there. There are some sad ones too. The photo above is the one of the lot that really stuck me.

If you would like to check out the pictures, you can go here to visit the thread on the forum

Singstar anyone?

I love Singstar. Easily the best game series ever to be brought out on Playstation (closely followed by the Guitar Hero series). I can't help myself. Put in the disc, give me a microphone, turn up the volume and I am dancing around the lounge room singing my heart out.

This blog comes from my triumphant return to the world of Singstar. A while ago, whilst in the middle of a kick-ass rock move during Alice Cooper's Poison, I dislocated my knee. Even now, i still get a twing of pain through it. Anyway, last night, Miss Trash came over and wanted to play some Singstar. I was a little weary of it. Questions and thoughts were rushing through my head. 'Will I still be awesome?', 'Will I hurt my knee again?', 'I will prob be singing at a high pitch than Miss Trash'.

As the playstation turned on and Singstar Anthems loaded up, I was nervous. Although, as soon as those first notes left my mouth, I was back. It was like I never stopped playing. I was awesome. Motived to keep playing now.

From much research on the internet there actually appears to be some very intresting Singstar titles to be coming out before the end of the year. Some I will have to get as soon as they come out. Here is a list of all the Singstar titles and the ones to come out in the near future.
  • Singstar (own it)
  • Singstar: Pop
  • Singstar: Party (own it)
  • Singstar: 80s (own it)
  • Singstar: Anthems (own it)
  • Singstar: Legends (own it)
  • Singstar: Pop Hits
  • Singstar: 90s (Get it in a week or so)
  • Singstar: Rock Ballads (Coming Soon, 21/9/2007)
  • Singstar: Amped (Coming Soon, 18/9/2007)
  • Singstar: Bollywood (Coming Soon, 26/10/2007)
Until next time, keep singing.....


Flux Capicator Anyone?

This evening I have grabbed my trusty Indiana Jones style hat and loaded up The Internet Wayback Machine for an adventure. First thing I searched for was my old modblog. I couldn't help myself. Immediatly it returns with results. I pause for a moment before opening the first entry with the date April 20th, 2004. I had only been 17 for a bit over a month.

As it opens the old grey and green colour scheme bring the memories rushing back. Of course, the first actual blog is about Slipknot. As I go through the blogs I just shake my head at the horrible writing, the layouts, the pictures and the silly things I wrote about.

Short list of things I noticed:

- There is comments from me saying how good Wolfmother are.
- There are very very harsh blogs about un-named persons (those people will stay un-named).
- Blog about me meeting Tom
- Blogs about Caitrin
- The first party at Toms that I blogged from where there is no chance of me reading it sober
- Me drunkly typing I love you to Miss Trash less than a month after meeting her
- Suicidal blogs
- Drunken rapping blogs
- Blog mentioning drunken emails to Miss Trash which were sent the evening after seeing Zombie Ghost Train

*sigh* After reading all that I'm feeling a little angsty and want to listen to Marilyn Manson...

Its been a while

Since I have felt this way
Like this about someone
Falling hard
Each time my phone plays that message tone
Each time I see a picture
Each time 'our' song plays
Each time you say 'I miss you'
Each time you smile or make me smile
I fall that little bit harder


So, on Saturday night was the event known as Transmission (you can visit the website here)

The group for the evening was Tom, Tim, Rach, Saman, Kate & Douma (who were to turn up later), Miss Trash and myself. It was raining, it was cold and i was tired. After working out who was driving us there to drop us off and having to double back because Tom left his ticket at his house we finally arrived at the sports centre at homebush. Made our way through the ticket people, stright past the sniffer dogs (more to that later) and into the event.

Now, I don't like trancy or happy hardcore type of dance music at all. However, I have always been told I should go to at least one rave so this was the one. My first thoughts when we walked in was 'Fuck this is tiny'. I had heard about how big these raves were and that with the combination of the light show was once of the things I was looking foward too. There was the main area which was only about the size of a basketball court and then most of the other 'arena' were just little back rooms/change rooms where they had stuck a DJ in.

So, whilst Tim and Tom went off raving and moving about like they do to that horrible music, Myself, Miss Trash, Saman and Rach went looking for the 'Electro House' area. We ended up at this tiny outside/courtyard area where some guys were playing what was mostly dirty house. Miss Trash decided to dance herself silly. Even though that was the best music there, it was still horrible.

So after getting there about 9:30 when it started, Saman, Miss Trash and myself were leaving at about 12:30. Rach went to dance with Tim and Tom. We went and met up with Miss Trash's mum who is a ranger at the complex where Transmission was being held and she ended up getting us a taxi. When we finally got back to Tom's after dealing with a retarded taxi driver who has no fucking idea where he was going we decided to retire to bed.

So, rave events such as Transmission really aren't for me where as Tom and Tim really enjoyed themselves. Different strokes I guess....

Moving house.

Back I am again. Another blog site shut down, another blog starting elsewhere. It seems to be a continuous problems. This will be my 3rd. Well, I had this back in 2004 after the infmaous modblog shut down. I made 2 posts and then discovered efx2. Well, just recently, that has shut down as well and along my travels across the internet I found this one so I am now here permantly.

I will do a more indepth blog later but I think alot of design work has to be done of the blog. Stupid black. So, design work + layout work + proper blog entry to come. At the moment, RL work is calling.

Until then...